Mar 10, 2007, 08:55 PM // 20:55
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Mar 2007
Guild: All the Ectos
Profession: W/E
PC 3 gold weapons
1. Barbed Fellblade of Defence
slashing dmg:15-22
Req. 10 swordsmanship
Dmg+14% while enchanted
Lengthens bleeding duration on foes by 33%
2. Celestial Sword of Fortitude
slashing dmg:15-22
req. 9 swordsmanship
Dmg+15% while enchanted
3. Cruel Twin Hammer of Hammer Mastery
req. 10 hammer mastery
Blunt Dmg:19-35
Lengthens Deep Wound on Foes by 33%
Hammer Mastery+1 19% chance when using skill
Plz tell wht they are each worth seperatly